Wednesday, January 28, 2009
All you need is tape and batteries
Baby sign language
Mommy, Daddy, baby, milk, eat, please, thank you, help, more, tree, flower, red,
blue, purple, yellow, brown, black, pink, orange, cat, dog, lion, monkey,
elephant, mouse, star, cereal, ice cream, bowl, book, sleep, blanket, friend,
swing, ball, I love you, teddy bear, beautiful, snowman,
reindeer, Santa
They say learning sign language helps you to not only communicate with others but to use both sides of your brain. I hope you never stop using this gift.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Get movin!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
August 18, 2008
Another fun moment this weekend is our cooking adventure. Julia got me and Riley matching aprons from Williams Sonoma (where she works!). I put our aprons and we got to cooking some chocolate pudding (truth be told – instant 10 minute pudding!). Riley got to stir with the whisk and thought that was the neatest thing on earth. Phil has my camera so no pics this time. Can’t wait to cook again!
Finally, Friday was an interesting day all around. In order to get her to leave school, I had to allow her to bring the Dora reading book she just was determined to not leave behind. Like I said, it was Friday, so she got her way. I “borrowed” the book and we were on our way. She did not put that darn book down the entire week. She would read it to her babies, take it to the potty, everything. Well tonight she insisted on the book for bedtime. After about 10 minutes of her “reading” on her own since I couldn’t read it for her, I’d decided I had enough and it was time for bed. So down she went, fairly easily to my amazement. But wouldn’t you know, she said “Dora” over and over again and started crying. I finally caved and decided some battles just aren’t worth fighting. I gave her Dora and she put that book down next to her and held it along with Momma Bear, Pink, and Ollie (all her fav loveys). I guess I should be happy that she’s taking books to bed. I just hope she doesn’t try to read them at night without the light or else she’ll end up with bad eyesight – right Mom (well that’s what you told me)?
So just a quick note on the adventures of Riley. Maybe one day I’ll start a blog like Heather and post all my random stories there. Just add it to my list!
I'm so proud of my sister
I want to share a bit of news with you. You may remember that I spoke frequently of my sister who has had such a trying time in the last few years. She found out 5 years ago after 10 years of marriage and 2 beautiful girls that her husband had cheated on her and was leaving her for more fun times. She was obviously devastated and felt completely hopeless. She moved back to our home town where she found some wonderful high school friends who introduced her to their church. There she found much inspiration to get through the day. She also found a very supportive single moms group. From here she was encouraged by them and by our Mother to go back to college and seek her degree. The single moms group even had a scholarship program that helped pay her bills while she went full time to the local university. My sister developed quite a faith and relationship with God during this time. When life continued to bring hurdle after hurdle, she never stopped praying and believing that her time would come where her prayers were answered. It took 4 grueling years to earn her degree, and I mean grueling because it seemed any and every road block came her way, including her dead beat ex-husband who tried to discourage her. In Dec 07 she earned her degree, and worked part-time as a substitute teacher and counselor. From Jan 08 to present, she has been working with an autistic teenager named Becca. She had worked before with special-needs children while in college as a part time job; however, she always felt a strong connection with Becca. She has such an amazing personality that autistic children seem to relate to her and remarkably improve with her guidance. She decided, after this time with Becca, to seek not only a certification in early childhood education but also with special education. Despite her accomplishments thus far, she still has not had it easy. She has spent the entire summer applying for jobs with different school districts to no avail due to hiring freezes or preferences towards surplus teachers. My sister’s faith and constant prayer, though, kept her strong, patient, and encouraged. She prayed everyday for the Lord to guide her to where she was meant to be; she always felt she was put on this earth to help others. Today her prayers were answered. She was called by a principal of a school district (where she has relentlessly has been trying to reach the HR director throughout the entire summer) to interview for an immediately available position to work as the teacher for the autistic children’s’ classroom. Before her interview, she prayed to Jesus to give her strength to answer the questions, to remain calm and to present herself well. She also asked that if this is where she is supposed to be that she be hired on the spot. She was very nervous, especially because there was another candidate to be interviewed for the same position sitting in the waiting room with her. She went into the interview a nervous wreck and emerged with her prayers answered. Today, she was directly hired by the principal who said she answered every question the way the principal wanted – she was the perfect candidate. My sister reports to her job on Monday. Finally, her life is going to turn around and she will be able to support her 2 beautiful and smart girls. She will touch the lives of the eleven autistic children in her classroom. She also has been offered to return as Becca’s counselor for another year. I am so very proud of her – she never quit when it would have been so easy to do so. Her faith never faltered. I can whole-heartedly say that God does listen to your prayers, and while He may not answer them in the manner or timeframe you want, He does listen and has a plan for you. My sister was put on this earth to teach other women around her that hard work, determination and faith will get you through any obstacle. She is also going to touch the lives a family dealing with autism because, believe me, she has a gift for helping those with this disease. I thank the Lord for His continual guidance in her life and for showing yet another example of inspiration to triumph over every obstacle. Hers will be a story I share with every MOMS group, every single mother, and every young lady looking for guidance in today’s tumultuous world. God Bless.
Fighting for Sarah Palin
I used to be an avid reader and subscriber to US Weekly. Admittedly, I loved to get the dirt on the celebrities. I don't know why, but I did - guilty pleasure. When this publication heartlessly attacked Sarah Palin and her family - and even made some disgusting accusations - I immediately cancelled my subscription and wrote a letter to the editor. See below.
Dear Editor,
My name is Keil Oliver and my account number is 0124587403. I have held a subscription to Us Weekly Magazine for the past five years. I am utterly appalled and dismayed by your recent cover Babies, Lies, and Scandal, issue 709. I received this issue and read the article on Governor Sarah Palin, Vice-Presidential Nominee for the Republican Party. Your lack of journalistic ethics is deplorable and I have cancelled my subscription effective September 6, 2008 (cancellation order # 801128133626).
I understand your magazine owner (Jann Wenner) is an avid supporter of Barack Obama. While I do not know your affiliation, as a free American, you are entitled to your opinions; however, I cannot believe you would allow your opinion, or that of your owner’s, to play a major theme in this magazine. Surely, you must understand that your readers do not share your same opinion and you are alienating them by such a blatant display of political pushing. Furthermore, you have offended me, personally, through your attacks on Gov. Palin. If you feel that her actions put to question her ability to become Vice-President, then you must also think similar actions by any other woman should be scrutinized as well.
I am a married, thirty year-old mother of a two-year old daughter. I have a MBA and work professionally outside of the home. My husband also works, so we have our child in daycare. I am a voting Republican and a proud PRO-LIFE Catholic. You insinuate that Sarah Palin is a bad mother with poor judgment because she is pro-life and, although she promotes abstinence, her seventeen year-old daughter is pregnant. You make it seem that because Gov. Palin’s daughter made a poor choice, Sarah Palin has no credibility to become the Vice-President. While you may think you are only portraying your source’s views in this statement, you are actually putting a biased spin on the issue. Your article is neither fair nor balanced. I could surmise from your article that I have no idea how to raise my child since I would allow my beliefs to “wrongly” educate on how a young lady should not have premarital sex. You couldn’t be more wrong and I am ashamed to admit I have ever been a reader of US Weekly Magazine.
I have never used your magazine to make decisions on important issues of today, but I did enjoy reading the frivolous articles concerning celebrities. I fear that other readers who do not listen to respected news outlets are going to read this inaccurate and misleading article and make a decision about Sarah Palin based upon these lies, especially when your magazine carried a comparative article several months ago portraying Michelle and Barack Obama as a loving couple with no problems. Since your negative article regarding Gov. Palin was so blatantly untruthful and misleading, should I presume that your glowing article regarding Michelle and Barack Obama was also blatantly untruthful and misleading, and not based upon any fact? I understand why you would put an article on Michelle Obama in your magazine, because Mrs. Obama seems to be a strong woman and a loving mother. What I don’t understand is how you can blatantly mislead an audience by telling lies or even reporting on rumors of another woman who has been so successful in her career and is also a loving mother and wife. I am fascinated to read about successful career women, and the choices they made to lead to their successes. I also realize that today’s society puts undue scrutiny on the success of powerful women. I have felt in the past that US Weekly often portrays strong women and especially challenged women in positive light – that is until now.
You have used Sarah Palin’s personal family issues as a means to put a spin on the situation to attract readers. The writer of this article obviously put no legitimate research into writing this piece as you take a handful of unproven claims, innuendo, and rumor and throw them together to make a salacious article and claim it as fair journalism. These sources bear no credibility whatsoever. You claim there is an endless stream of controversies surrounding Gov. Palin, but you have never once reported on Barack Obama’s drug use, association with black liberation theology, ties with felon Tony Rezko, and the federal earmark spending for his wife’s employer and campaign bundlers. The controversies with Gov. Palin are based solely on speculation and rumor. Her husband’s DUI occurred 22 years ago and bears no weight on her ability to represent this country. Your “in-depth” reporter obviously spent no time determining the truth in any of the controversies. In my opinion, you can find more truth in reporting on the controversies of the Democratic party if you want to start judging someone on DUIs, sexual indiscretion, and abuse of power – and that’s just the Kennedys and Clintons.
The writer’s attempt to be fair under the Resilient Mom section is comical, at best. The writer takes quotes out of context and judges Gov. Palin for going back to work so soon after pregnancy. I’m not certain of the point the pictures in Her Offbeat Career were trying to make, but I do believe it was passively attempting to portray her past experiences in a poor light, as if to say a beauty pageant contestant, small town leader and hunter make for a poor candidate. You also imply that her small town affiliation and that she’s only a governor deem her inexperienced for the position. Are you saying a state governor or mayor is not qualified to be a Vice-President? How many successful Presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have served as governor prior to being elected to office? Is it because she’s a woman that she is not qualified?
It further infuriates me that you often mock other magazines for putting spins on rumors (you devote sections in your magazine that chastises other magazines for incorrectly reporting on Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie) but you waste no time in reporting on the legitimacy of Sarah Palin’s youngest son, Trig. What evidence do you or any “blogger” have in trying to claim that boy is her daughter’s and not Gov. Palin’s? You further push the accusation by claiming she must not have really been pregnant because she didn’t immediately tell her coworkers, didn’t gain much weight, and went back to work so quickly. I find it ironic you claim she must not have been pregnant because she didn’t have a “large baby bump”, but waste no time in saying that Bristol was pregnant in 2007 because she had a slight bump. Which is it? The entire article claims Sarah Palin is surrounded in too much controversy to perform her job. It’s amazing how you can claim she’s unfit when she has shown nothing but character and virtue when dealing with adversity. Sarah Palin’s composure illustrates her toughness and I believe her when she says family must stick together in hard times. Furthermore, nowhere does it state that a political candidate must willingly divulge personal information about her children, especially to conniving reporters who like to put their own spin and take information out of context to create a more tantalizing article.
I realize I may have high expectations for this magazine to report fairly, but in reality this magazine has the same goal as the National Inquirer – to make money and sell magazines. I’m sure you achieved that goal, but at what cost? You and your owner may support Barack Obama, but that doesn’t mean you should tell lies and spread rumors about the other candidates. Sarah Palin is also making history as the first woman nominated by the Republican Party for Vice-President. She has an 80% approval rating amongst Alaskan voters. She has fought and won against corrupt politicians. She is a leader in environmental conservatism. She is a leader for women and a shining example of hard work and determination. Regardless of your political beliefs, you should have taken the high-road and reported on her accomplishments and not the alleged smut of the week. On behalf of all working moms with conservative beliefs, shame on you! If you wish to get into the political arena, you will bear the cost of lost subscriptions. We’ll see who has the last laugh in November; for now you must settle with one less customer, and probably more, because my friends and family intend to follow suit and boycott your magazine.
Keil OliverFormer Subscriber of US Weekly Magazine
Inauguration Day
Dear Jason,You are upstairs taking a nap right now, as Barack Obama exits the Lincoln Memorial after being sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. I thought you might someday like to know your Mommy's thoughts on this historic day (keeping in mind I don't have the benefit of hindsight). First of all, it is freezing cold. Aside from my strong distaste for people and crowds, the cold weather would certainly keep me away from today's festivities. Can you imagine? Twenty degrees, nowhere to pee, and packed like sardines at the biggest terrorist target in modern history. Ack. No thank you.Anyhow, we spent this frigid morning with Judah and Mrs. B, attending the the Barnes & Noble story hour (you boys were very well behaved) and visiting the playground (indoor playground...again, not interested in freezing my hiney off). We dined on mac & cheese, hot dogs, and oriental chicken salads while watching Vice President Biden take his oath of office on an Applebee's television. By the time President Obama's oath rolled around you lost interest and were frantically grabbing for a red Applebee's balloon. You did manage to stay awake for about five minutes of the inauguration speech before falling asleep in the car. I'm not quite sure how to describe the atmosphere. A word many television personalities are tossing about today is "buzzing" in "the country is buzzing." I don't know about that. I'm not buzzing. I'm not crying, but I'm certainly not buzzing. I can't imagine the 47% of Americans who didn't vote for President Obama are buzzing. Yet, to turn on a television, the world has been saved. Competence has arrived. Rah rah. It is an interesting and bizarre phenomenon, and one that has deepened my disgust with today's "journalism." It is like one big Op Ed newspaper page broadcast on 542 television channels.So. If I'm not buzzing, what do I feel? I don't really know, sweetie. I feel both hope and fear. Pretty much the same as any other day. I'm very results-driven. I like numbers. I'm not easily inspired. So I don't really know what to think of our new President, considering there isn't much concrete information for me to evaluate. Listening to the inauguration speech, my thought was that this man has the same hopes and dreams for his daughters that I have for you. He wants them to grow up in a time of security, peace, prosperity, opportunity, health, freedom...and not just for the United States, but for the whole world. I want that, too. Desperately. I truly believe history's other American Presidents shared that same vision. They all had different plans to get there, and they all made their own contributions toward that goal. And as with those other 43 Presidents, only time will tell what results this administration's execution of policy will bring. As you would say...Mr. President, "Ready. Set. GO!"
And my response:
"Heather, thank you for taking the time to present this day to your son. I, too, have contemplated how to describe the day's events to my daughter. I'm always at odds because I don't particularly like Mr. Obama, especially not his ideals. I have wrung my hands and gritted my teeth throughout the entire election process. It's not that I am against an African-American president. In fact, quite the contrary. I think it's extremely important, I just think there are many more qualified candidates to fill this position of the first African-American president. I get scared, too, that as an ultra-Republican, I have no voice. Each time a Republican critizes Obama, others call me unpatriotic or Racist. How can that be when the most important feature of our democracy is to always question our representatives and to ensure they always put our best interest (and not their own) first? (Please read the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution for more on this fact) I also am whole-heartedly against many of the policies of Mr. Obama on the issues of abortion, government spending, national defense, diplomacy, energy, and earmarks. Plus, I am against FOCA and the Fairness Doctrine to the point that I am physically ill thinking of either of those 2 pieces of legislation being passed. But what I truly hope that you and Riley get from this blog/opinion is that you cherish how passionate your mother and I are when it comes to Democracy and your prosperity. We live in a nation that allows and encourages debate on these issues. Never simply accept the news one-liners, the latest political trends, or especially what celebreties have to say about politics. Make your own mind up on what is important to you and your family and then speak as loudly and colorfully as you please becuase that is what it means to be an American!"
My first Letter
Well, Riley, you are 2 1/2 and incredibly perfect! You love to read, cook, play in your castle, and play outside. You know sign language. Your favorite characters are all Disney Princesses, Dora, Pongo and Perdita, and Tinkerbell. You love to wear my shoes around the house. And most importantly, you love your Daddy.
I'm going to start posting things about you and things that are important to me. I hope you enjoy and learn a little bit about me and you over this time.
Love you baby girl!